The Mastodon Bot is available at


A Mastodon-port of my Twitter bot (@monkeyislandbot) posting monkey island quote, but it could tweet basically anything. (BTW: If you're wondering how I got the quotes out of the game in the first place:


I'm using in the examples but of course you can and should pick the instance of your choice.


You will need the following tools installed and configured

Test locally

sls invoke local -f mibot --verbose --stage dev \
 -e ACCESS_TOKEN=<your application acess token> \ 
 -e API_URL=

Deploy to AWS

As seen above, the bot requires two environment variables, ACCESS_TOKEN and API_URL. The serverless.yml maps them from the Systems Manager parameter tab. Create two parameters: mibot_mastodon_de_access_token to map to ACCESS TOKEN and mibot_mastodon_de_api_url for API_URL.

Then get some coffee and wait for serverless deploy to do its work.