

itsmattkc opened this issue · 0 comments

First of all, thank you for your interest in Olive.

Olive is currently undergoing a large-scale transition from version 0.1 to 0.2, and to make the most of our limited resources, we are only accepting certain issue reports at this time.

Our current focus is on making Olive 0.2 a stable and usable program for editing video, so we would appreciate if you primarily provide issues that support this goal.

❌ Issues Are Not Tech Support

Issues are treated like a to-do list here and are therefore only for legitimate bugs, issues, or confirmed planned features. If you simply have a question or need help, please do not create an issue. There are numerous community forums to help you including GitHub Discussions, Reddit, and the Community Discord.

❌ 0.1 Issues Are Unsupported

We are no longer supporting 0.1 (aka April 2019 | Alpha | 1e3cf53) and any bug reports or feature requests pertaining to it will be closed. All of our development focus is on 0.2, so if you're able to, start testing 0.2 so we can get it stable and usable sooner!

❌ No Support For Self-Compiling

As an open source project, Olive can be compiled by users. However, due to the effectively infinite array of possible build environments out there, it is impossible for us to try to support all of them. We provide nightly builds for all platforms we officially support, so you generally shouldn't need to self-compile anyway, but if you do, you will have to assume responsibility for solving any issues you may find along the way. In some cases, we may accept minor pull requests that fix compilation on "unsupported" platforms, but this is not guaranteed.

✔️ Crashes

If you're using 0.2 and run into any fatal errors or terminations, we would love to know more. Please provide as much detail about how the crash was triggered as possible and if you can recreate it, provide a debugger backtrace (consult the wiki article about Debugging Olive if you don't know how).

✔️ Bugs or Behavioral Issues (particularly caching, rendering, color management, and nodes)

If you're using 0.2 and run into any issues related to the editing process (particularly when it comes to caching/previewing), please let us know. The preview cache is very much intended to be reliable and robust while also being performant, which can be a difficult balance to strike and we need your help to get there.

 ❕  One Report Per Issue, No Illegal Content

Please create an issue for each individual problem. But first check if it was reported already to avoid duplicates.
Provide sample footage if possible, but do not upload or link to unlawful content, such as pirated videos.

Thank you for your co-operation and hopefully 0.2 will be in a ready state soon.