
[REQ] fix GH license file

forart opened this issue · 2 comments

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(PREAMBLE: Sorry, dunno how to fit this issue in template...)

Hi there, 1st of all an heartfelt thanks for this cool work !

Since we've "doxed" it in our HyMPS project (under the VIDEO category \ Editors page \ Non-Linear Editors subsection), can you please fix the license file for it ?

Although it may sounds like a minor aspect, license file uncompliance causes an inconsistent generation of the relative badge too:

(badge-generator URL: https://flat.badgen.net/github/license/olive-editor/olive/?label=LICENSE)

Anyway you can easily set a compliant one through the GH's license wizard tool.

Last but not least, let us know - in your opinion - how we could improve our categorizations and links to resources in order to favor collaboration between developers (and therefore evolution) of listed projects.

Thanks in advance.

This was apparently caused by minor differences in the GPL license text, namely URLs (HTTPS instead of HTTP, one updated link), see https://github.com/olive-editor/olive/pull/2329/files

Works now, thanks !