
code doesn't generate the output

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I wrote this command: multical calibrate --cameras C11139,C11140,C11141,C11458,C11459,C11461,C11462,C11463 --boards charuco_8x11.yaml and when I run it, no errors show up but I also don't find any output so I tried running this command: multical boards --boards charuco_8x11.yaml --detect image.jpg to make sure that it detects the charucoboard I'm using but it didn't show nor generate anything and also there was no errors. Does anyone know what might be the reason ?

Thank you in advance!!

Ps: C11139,C11140,C11141,C11458,C11459,C11461,C11462,C11463 are the names of folders that contain the images of my 8 cameras