
If regex is checked, results are not highlighted in the bottom panel

jpfleury opened this issue · 0 comments

If regex is activated in gconf-editor (key /apps/gedit-2/plugins/file-search/is_reg_exp), results are not highlighted in the tab located in the bottom panel.

For example, if we search "Fi.d" (case sensitive) in gedit-file-search files, we get 2 results:

8:     <property name="title" translatable="yes">Find in files</property>
24: # - SearchProcess (uses RunCommand to run Find, parses its output, and starts GrepProcess)

but matches (here the word "Find") are not highlighted in yellow. Now, uncheck /apps/gedit-2/plugins/file-search/is_reg_exp in gconf-editor, and search "Find" in gedit-file-search files. We'll get the same 2 results, but now the word "Find" is highlighted in yellow for both results.