
Disabling italics not working

caleb-freitas opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm pretty new to nvim world, and because of that, this may be a silly issue.

I'm using Packer, and these are my config files for poimandres

-- nvim/lua/plugins.lua
use 'olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim' 

Here I tried to use a part of your setup:

-- nvim/after/plugin/poimandres.rc.lua
local poimandres_present, poimandres = pcall(require, "poimandres")
if not poimandres_present then
	vim.notify("poimandres not found!")

	disable_italics = true,

This way, the HTML attributes are italicized. Also, the native HTML tags are white and not green. React's custom components are green, however. Thanks!

Hey! Try and see if it could be the same issue as I described in #21
Regarding the syntax highlighting, this is something I am aware of, and try to improve as much as I can over time.
Thank you! 🙏🏼

Yep. It worked. Thank you very much!

Yep. It worked. Thank you very much!

Awesome! Happy to help :)