
Questions about Project!

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I was pointed to this project when I asked if flux would have alerts for deploys etc at OSS.

So i have a few questions!

Is there any reason why not to implement that direct at flux oss?

This works with helm-op ? We use flux with helm-op for everything.
If yes, does it get git url from the release.

Are there other goals? (cause of the name)

Is there an example msg on how it would appears?

Sorry I didn't look at the code yet, so I am asking this questions!



Is there any reason why not to implement that direct at flux oss?

Mainly just simplicity of implementation (a separate service meant I didn’t have to work with the Flux team on the design), a desire to keep the Flux codebase as simple as possible, and because I didn’t know what the Flux team’s response would be to it given that slack notifications are a paid feature of weave cloud (if I remember correctly). There’s no technical reasons that it couldn’t be a part of Flux, just no current plans to do that.

This works with helm-op ? We use flux with helm-op for everything.

You can get notifications to updates to your FluxHelmReleases but not events specific to the helm operator or tiller. There’s a ticket for adding events to helm-operator: https://github.com/weaveworks/flux/issues/1335

are there other goals? (Because of the name)

The name is a play on Weave Cloud, I did leave it open ended in case I thought of more useful features to bundle in, but currently no plans 🙂

Is there an example msg on how it would appears?

There should be an example in the README, you can also customize the messages using Go templating.

Actually there’s not a screenshot in the README! I’ll have to add one. See one here: https://imgur.com/a/oVl9bsr

Thank you for all the info!