
A runner for doo which runs tests in Chrome, using the Chrome Dev Protocol with no need for karma or npm.

Primary LanguageClojure


A runner for doo which runs tests in Chrome, using the Chrome Dev Protocol with no need for karma or npm.

Clojars Project


(require '[doo-chrome-devprotocol.core :as dc])

(dc/run "path/to/doo-tests.js")

;; => {:success? true
       :report {:tests 2
                :assertions 4
                :failures 0
                :errors 0}}

run also takes an optional map of options which should be self-explanatory

{:port                  8899
 :chrome-path           "/usr/bin/chromium"
 :chrome-args           ["--headless"
                         "--disable-gpu" ;; recommended on windows
 :chrome-launch-timeout 5000
 :doo-message-prefix    "doo:"
 :document-load-timeout 60000
 :doo-load-timeout      10000
 :doo-run-timeout       60000}

Integration with clojure.test

(ns my-project.runner
  (:require [doo-chrome-devprotocol.core :as dc]
            [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))

(def doo-args
  {:chrome-args ["--headless" "--disable-gpu" "--no-sandbox"]})

(deftest cljs-tests
  (let [result (dc/run "out/unit-test.js" doo-args)]
    (is (:success? result) (:report result))))




Copyright © 2018 oliyh

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.