
Auth check() not working? after attempt It always returns true

msonowal opened this issue · 6 comments

My Login Function Implementation
On AdminController()

public function doLogin()
    $remember = (Input::has('remember_me')) ? true : false;
        'username' => Input::get('username'),
         'password' => Input::get('password')
    ), $remember);

    if(Auth::admin()->check()) {
        return Redirect::intended('/'); //It is always returning true so it is redirecting 
    } else {
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors(['Either Username or Password is Incorrect!']);*/

and This is my filter

Route::filter('auth.admin', function()
    return View::make('admins.login')->with('message', 'Please login using your credentials');*/

Please fix my issue I love your plugin because of multi table based authentication but I am stuckked while implementing. PLease help

I think your filter code is broke, why are you checking for guest()?

by the way thanks for the late reply, YOur plugin really helped me and I fixed that out
One more issue was password reset
CAn please fix it or upload a example of using password reset on multi auth thank you

Password reset isn't broken, and I can't suggest anything if you don't tell me what's wrong.

OK If it's well then can you show me or link me to some examples
of Password reset Controller route and the view , please
thanks in advance..

I can confirm this does not work... Unable to use ->check()

Check always returns true? Also, what version, this package and laravel.