Device Tracker not Working correctly on Asus Merlin with Mesh network
SoulSlayerPT opened this issue · 4 comments
I am trying to use this custom integration because the officional one crasches my AX88U router with the SSH login issue. I already tried with HTTPS and HTTP and my phones never change from home to not_home status when i disable the wifi. Tried to change the time setting from 180seconds to another value and the phones are always in home status.
Am i doing something wrong in the configurations? Do i need to change any setting in the router?
My system is 1 AX88U main router(asus merlin firmware) and 3 XT8 units.
Can i provide any log to help me out?
Thank you
Did you remove the native integration before configure this one? Can you download integration diagnostic and attach it here?
I have removed the native integration, yes.
Sure. I have removed the other tracked devices and only have my phone and the 3 XT8. Even if i disable the phone wifi the "last_activity" still updates the time.
This is really strange. I have a AX86U with merlin 388.1 and everything works properly. By the way I just updated to 388.1 a couple of hours ago, so give me a couple of days just to be sure that the issue is not in new firmware.
Now it is working as intended with https. Thank you. I will close the issue,