
Unable to resolve module `../react-native/Libraries/EventEmitter/EventEmitter`

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Hi there, I am encountering this issue during installation. After a bit of research I came across this issue for a different react-native project which seems like it might be relevant here: invertase/react-native-firebase#386

Looks like EventEmitter.js was removed from the EventEmitter library as of RN 0.48.

My versions:

"react-native": "0.48.3",
"react-native-photos-framework": "^1.0.8",
platform: iOS

I am having this issue as well.

Change in,
import EventEmitter from '../react-native/Libraries/EventEmitter/EventEmitter';
import EventEmitter from '../react-native/Libraries/vendor/emitter/EventEmitter';

@olofd this change still isn't on npm with version 1.0.8. Can you push an update?

+1, why is not published yet?

@olofd +1 can we get this fix in a release, I need to update this error during our builds.

this is also affecting us, can we please get an update?

Please reopen, it's still not published

For the love of everything @olofd, can you please push this to npm?

we had to resolve it by locking our package.json to a commit
"react-native-photos-framework": "https://github.com/olofd/react-native-photos-framework.git#adaa91d8bd13e93cb18c5884d9fde27228a44ebb",