
Super simple buttons on a page for common tasks

Primary LanguagePerl

The "Grandma Portal"

Super simple links and launcher buttons and nothing else

For Windows:

  1. Have https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ installed.
  2. Install https://strawberryperl.com/ on your grandma's computer.
  3. Install https://git-scm.com/download/win (or some variant) too.
  4. Start the Strawberry Perl command line terminal, and then:
  5. git clone https://github.com/ology/Grandma-Portal.git
  6. cd Grandma-Portal
  7. cpanm --installdeps .
  8. Copy the config/default.yml file, and name it for your grandma's Windows username, instead of "default".
  9. Tweak the targets therein, to have her common actions, and then save the file. ***
  10. Then either:
    • Add your perl.exe with run-portal.pl as argument, to your grandma's scheduled startup tasks and reboot her machine.
    • Or run perl make-exe.pl and generate an EXE program to run at will.
  11. Voila!

*** To launch a Windows EXE from the portal app, use the path to the program you want to run, in the config file:

This path is assumed to be under C:\Program Files. So for good ol' Win7 Solitaire installed at,

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Solitaire\Solitaire.exe

the config/your_grandma.yml would have this buttons entry:

  - text: 'Solitaire'
    fa: 'fa-diamond'
    target: 'Microsoft Games\Solitaire\Solitaire'

The "fa" entry is for a fontawesome solid icon.