Other keyboard layouts?
Opened this issue · 14 comments
Hello, first I want to thank you for the Kobo writer. Im not a Very tech guy but I managed to install the rooted firmware and modify a USB keyboard. And the result is awsome: a modern typewriter with eink screen for distraction free writing... beautiful and elegant solution. I
m ethousiastic so Im ready to learn how to use an azerty keyboard but... maybe there is a way to insert others layouts... I
m currently writing in Italian. Let me now! Thank you very much.
Well done! This is not a very user-friendly process, so kudos for managing this.
To support Italian layout we would need to edit https://github.com/olup/kobowriter/blob/main/event/key.go with the propper bindings and rebuild the program. Have you built it or just used precompiled binaries?
Just used precompiled binaries...
If you explain to me what I have to do maybe I can help.
I would love it if you would give me some pointers. Let me know if I can do anything to repay you, for example translate the documentation into Italian.
Thank you, I will wait.
You are big in Italy now...
Hello Olup, are you there?
Hello, yes, I am here. However, if you are waiting for a solution for the keyboard I am sorry to say that with a full-time job, a full-time family, and a couple of other full-time side projects I don't have much occasion to reboot this project and rebuild the toolchain. I'll probably do it eventually, but I can't really say when.
If you are in a hurry the best solution for you is to see if you can do it by yourself by setting up the go repository, building the toolchain for your platform, modify the keybaord binding file and rebuild the program itself.
Otherwise rest assured that I keep your request in mind, but the timeframe for this is unknown.
Hello, thank you!
Of course, I wasn't asking for a short-term solution. I already found mine and it consists of azerty keyboard stickers that I applied to my keyboard. I've also tried setting up the system to compile programs in GO, but my computer skills are not sufficient for that.
See you soon
Just to give you an update, I am unable to evolve the codebase at the moment. The koxtoolchain is tooled to be be built on linux alone, and I only have macos machine lying around. It might work there too but it requires further investigation and tweaking on my end. I'll come back to you with any updates if I eventually find a way.
I was able to built within codespace nicely with the TC prebuilt, see https://github.com/olup/kobowriter/pull/19/files for more detail. No need to have a linux machine, any browser will do it. You can change the keyboard layout easily.