
Easy Instructions for Zwift Solution or Prepackaged Solution - Happy to Pay

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be an understatement to say I’m not a software developer and fairly unfamiliar with Rasberry Pi. That said, I’m an avid WaterRower user and really wish I could get the social aspect through something like Zwift.

I’m considering spending money on the SmartRow app, but that doesn’t seem to solve my motivation with social issue. It just seems like a way to record workouts. I know there is a workaround for the Concept2, and I’m desperate enough to be considering switching rowers just for this.

I’ve reached the point that I’m stuck spending money to get a solution. I’d honestly rather spend it on WaterRower than anything else. Is there a foolproof guide for newbies to make this work that includes a buy list? Is there someone willing to put one together for me for a fee? Or better than both, is there just a complete plug and play package I can buy?

Sorry for the request. I know GitHub is full of people who can actually contribute and are trying to help. I hope this isn’t inappropriate to post.


Perhaps the docker version will help. See #14.

@helouwn If you're still interested, I'd be happy to make you a purchase list and mail you a premade microSD card that should let things be plug-and-play. I just finished doing an updated version of this library as a coding exercise. Email address is in my profile.