
Can anybody provide a Pi SD-card image with a working version?

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after hours of unsuccessful attempts to install waterrower-ble application I am wondering if anybody is willing to create a sd-image of his successful installation?

I just want to run the PI as blackbox to connect my Suunto in order to read Power data from the Waterrower and don't not even need the opportunity to log-in to the PI. I am happy to pay or donate an amount to any OpenSource project etc. I am also happy to make download space available for wider audiance. I think that hundreds of users would be benefit from this and start using waterrower-ble if there would an SD-card image and you just need buy a PI, an USB dongle, write the image to SD card and go...

I was really trying hard and had npm installed and all four projects downloaded (ant-plus, ant-cycling-power, ble-cycling-power, waterrower-ble. Finally it was the module USB that gave me error messages that I was not getting around...

Looking forward to get help...


The issue for me is lack of time. But your message is very encouraging, and since my son also wants to row on Zwift, I will be getting this done. What's more important to you, Bluetooth or ANT+?

This would awesome! My preference would be Bluetooth to get the waterrower data into my Suunto watch.

You are probably running into the "Connection port..." error: Make sure you start the thing with root privileges, like so:

cd waterrower-ble
sudo node . pm

Hi guys,

is this issue solved in the meantime? I´m also struggling like abalakov and I have the same purpose with my Pi. Just rowing...

A 3rd party company just launched a PowerMeter for the WaterRower for $275.-
There is quite some buzz about it on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WaterRower/posts/1797385143645802

but I think the raspberry solution is so much better:

  • it is cheaper
  • it can be connected to any watch or smartphone as PowerMeter (no proprietary solution)
  • it can be used with Zwift or any other training software

I feel that people are much less interested in the accuracy of the SmartRow solution than the opportunity to connect it to their smartphones.

Still nobody that can provide a raspberry image?