
An extension bundle for php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle for dynamically generating consumers

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

RabbitMQ Consumer Generator Bundle

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Via Composer

$ composer require edfa3ly-backend/rabbitmq-bundle-consumer-generator


  • An extension bundle for php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle that generates consumers dynamically over code , converts them to their yaml representation and writes them over your specified path.


  • Inject the GeneratorWrapper in a service of your own creation and use its methods
class ServiceExample

    /** @var GeneratorWrapper $wrapper */
    protected $wrapper;
    * ServiceExample constructor.
    * @param GeneratorWrapper $wrapper
   public function __construct(
       GeneratorWrapper $wrapper
   ) {
       $this->wrapper         = $wrapper;
    * @throws Exception
   public function createConsumers()
       $consumer = new ConsumerSkeleton() ;
       $consumer->setName('the name of your consumer');
       $consumer->setQueueRoutingKeys(['array of routing keys of your consumer']);
       $consumer->setExchangeType('fanout , direct , topic or headers');
       $consumer->setExchangeName('the name of your consumer's exchange');
       $consumer->setQueueName('Queue name');
       $consumer->setAmqpConsumerType('consumers or batch_consumers');
       $this->wrapper->writeConsumers( [$consumer], 'relative\path\to\your\consumers\yaml');


Now you can generate consumers through command just run php bin\console consumer:generate and answer the prompted questions .


If you discover any security related issues, please email omarfawzi96@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.