
No --requirejs when installed via npm, version 0.1.11

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey there,

I installed coffeedoc via npm.

see npm info:

$ npm info coffeedoc
{ name: 'coffeedoc',
  description: 'An API documentation generator for CoffeeScript',
  'dist-tags': { latest: '0.1.11' },

and coffeedoc cli options:

$ coffeedoc
Usage: coffeedoc [options] [targets]

    -o, --output: Set output directory (default: ./docs)
    --commonjs  : Use if target scripts use CommonJS for module loading (default)

I have no --requirejs option. Did I do something wrong?

I was going down to the coffeedoc source folder, and did cat, here is a snippet:

# Command line options
    '-o, --output': 'Set output directory (default: ./docs)'
    '--commonjs  ': 'Use if target scripts use CommonJS for module loading (default)'
#    '--requirejs ': 'Use if target scripts use RequireJS for module loading'

A spec/ folder is not present. Maybe that helps.


Oops, I forgot to update the npm version when requirejs support was merged in. I've done it now, npm update and you should be good to go.

Thank you very much, works perfect.