
Sections of the display window are not properly showing, arranging, or scaling

Closed this issue · 12 comments

MotionBox display issue MotionBox display issue 2

As the screenshots show, even maximizing the window doesn't help.

You mean your interface is cropped ? Which platform are you on ?

That's very uncommon, can you try to set Windows scaling on 100% and run the application again ?

Can you try MotionMonkey: and let me know if it happens too ?

Yeah, at this point I'd almost need your machine to investigate. Are you in a position to build HelloSky / MotionBox ?

QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=1.5 is the culprit.

Will be fixed by: omega-gg/Sky@a984881

Change your env QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS to 1 or wait for the next MB / Monkey releases.

By the way, these are not related to QuickTime but the Qt framework, that's different.