
Extracting embedded metadata upon upload

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We have a use-case where we can only accept submission of photos if they are properly annotated with geospatial and timestamp information.

We could ask contributors to do that manually using the included mapping applet, but it would be great if the upload form could extract the metadata that is embedded in the image file, if any.

I'm not sure how this could be implemented, since in necessarily entails a pre-uploading of the file, perhaps partially, which means HttpRequest etc.

While there are extensions that can facilitate the extraction of embedded metadata, it would be great if this can be done while uploading in order to:

  • inform the contributor of whether their contribution has embedded metadata
  • inform the contributor of the suitability of their submission for acceptance
  • reduce the effort needed for moderation by filtering non-qualified contributions

I see how this would be a useful feature for your particular requirements, but I'm not sure it's something we'd consider. It doesn't seem generally applicable to many collecting projects, at least not enough to justify the significant development work it would need. Even so, I'll keep this issue open in the event that the feature grows more interest.


Perhaps we could allocate the resources needed to contribute a patch.