
Accessibility Error: Add an outline on focus

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been doing an accessibility check on the module on a site running Omeka S and the Item Carousel Block Module.

When I was doing a manual check for of logical tab order, I noticed that when navigating the site using a keyboard, the links created by Item Carousel Block were in the tab order, but there was no visual indication of focus.

My suggestion would be to add an outline on focus.

The most recent version was a major improvement. Thank you.

The only issue that remains as far as I am concerned is the next and previous slide buttons. As of the latest version, we have a nice outline on focus for any of the slides, but for the next and previous buttons there is only a very small difference in color between when the arrows are in focus and when they are not.

I think that you should either add the same frame on focus for the forward and back buttons OR up the color contrast for when a slide is in focus.

I made a quick video to show you what I mean if I'm not being clear (1 minute long)