
Use one pagination control type across similar pages

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The "Media review," "Revision show," and "Revision compare" pages each have different pagination controls. We need to choose one control type.

I prefer the one currently on the "Media review" page.
zmb zmb20001 jpg media review scripto whoameka

@kimisgold On the revision-pagination branch I replaced the pagination controls on the "Revision show" and "Revision compare" pages. They'll need better placement, and the "Revision show" controls includes a new button ("Latest revision") that should probably have a double right arrow.

How does the pagination on media review and compare differ from Omeka's default navigation? In your screenshot, I can see that this pagination has access to page count. Is it still technically impractical to keep to that existing pattern?

The difference is that here we're linking directly to the next and previous media pages, not to a browse page using a page parameter.