
Zoom and rotate not working after upgrade

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We host Scripto/OmekaS on Reclaim hosting. Reclaim upgraded OmekaS automatically. When we applied the required/current Scripto update, the zoom and rotate functionality on items stopped working. I've traced it as best I can, and believe its coming from an error in the panzoom js. I'm seeing:

[Warning] jQuery.Deferred exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'b.cssProps.transform.replace') (2) (jquery.min.js, line 2)
g — jquery.panzoom.min.js:2:1188
(anonymous function) — jquery.panzoom.min.js:2:12637
each — jquery.min.js:2:2981
applyPanzoom — scripto.js:13
(anonymous function) — media.js:29
e — jquery.min.js:2:30011
(anonymous function) — jquery.min.js:2:30309

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'b.cssProps.transform.replace')
(anonymous function) (jquery.min.js:2:31678)

I appreciate any insights.

I apologize for the late response. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are working to fix the issue in the next release.