
Import contributors

Opened this issue · 2 comments

jajm commented

It would be useful to be able to import contributors' names from Mediawiki. For instance they could be displayed on a public site next to the transcription/translation/...

It could work like this:

  • In the project configuration form, the user can choose a property where contributors names will be stored
  • During the import process, if the wiki page being imported has non-anonymous contributors, a value annotation is created for the value where the content is stored. In this value annotation will be created a new value for each contributor (using the property that has been configured)

Do you think it's a good idea ? If yes, I can submit a pull request.

jajm commented

Thinking about it again, it might be enough to have Scripto\Job\ImportProject trigger events before/after each item/media, so other modules can do what they want

jajm commented

I was able to do it using doctrine lifecycle events ( but it's not ideal as (AFAIK) we can't use the entitymanager safely inside a "postUpdate" event, so I had to use SQL queries