
Feature request: Pause/resume recording

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Kayıt yaparken, kayıdı pause moduna alıp, ardından tekrar resume edebilmek ve bunların aynı dosyada toplanıp çıktısı verilirse büyük bir eksiği kapanmış olur library'nin.


There should be some way to pause - resume video recording.

Also there should be some way to continue recording if user changes front / rear camera while recording.

ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ EXACTLY. I really need switching camera position front/rear and rear/front.

Though it seems that AVCaptureVideoDataOutput would be needed for that, not AVCaptureMovieFileOutput, that is being currently used.

@ramonsgds How to use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to do that?