Spring Asynchronous Service


@Async is an annotation in Spring Framework used to mark a method as asynchronous. When a method is annotated with @Async, it tells Spring to execute that method asynchronously in a separate thread, allowing the calling thread to continue its execution without waiting for the method to complete.


  • Enable Async Support: To use @Async, you need to enable async support in your Spring application. This typically involves adding the @EnableAsync annotation to one of your configuration classes or XML configuration files.

  • Annotate Methods: You annotate the methods that you want to be executed asynchronously with @Async. These methods should have a void return type or return a Future or CompletableFuture if you want to obtain the result of the asynchronous computation.

  • Invocation: When a method annotated with @Async is invoked, Spring creates a proxy around that method and executes it asynchronously in a separate thread managed by Spring's TaskExecutor. Spring will automatically manage the lifecycle of threads and handle exception propagation.


public class MyService {

    public void asyncMethod() {
        // Asynchronous method body

Additional info

I use thymeleaf to create a simple web page to see information that you can access to bye in rout and report.html load image


Overall, @Async is a powerful feature in Spring that enables you to parallelize method execution and improve application performance by leveraging concurrency.