
Can I use .trc files?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @omimo,

From your introduction, this library is quite useful to me, because I'd like to animate my data in 3D for analysis. However, I only have .trc mocap files.

Actually , I modified part of nb_play_mocap code to fit my trc file, but at the end the result showed 404: Not Found, as the following picture shows:


Is there any way to fix this?

the revised function:

def nb_play_mocap_(mocap, mf, meta=None, frame_time=1/30, scale=1, camera_z=500, base_url=None):
    data_template = 'var dataBuffer = $$DATA$$;'
    data_template += 'var metadata = $$META$$;'
    data_template += 'start(dataBuffer, metadata, $$CZ$$, $$SCALE$$, $$FRAMETIME$$);'
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('/Users/ivan/Desktop'))

    if base_url is None:
        base_url = os.path.join(dir_path, 'mocapplayer/playBuffer.html')
    # print(dir_path)

    if mf == 'bvh':
    elif mf == 'pos':
        cols = list(mocap.columns.values)
        for c in cols:
            if 'rotation' in c:
        data_csv = mocap.to_csv(index=False, columns=cols)

        if meta is not None:
            lines = [','.join(item) for item in meta.astype('str')]
            meta_csv = '[' + ','.join('[%s]'%l for l in lines) +']'            
            meta_csv = '[]'
        data_assigned = data_template.replace('$$DATA$$', data_csv)
        data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$META$$', meta_csv)
        data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$CZ$$', str(camera_z))
        data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$SCALE$$', str(scale))
        data_assigned = data_assigned.replace('$$FRAMETIME$$', str(frame_time))


    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, 'mocapplayer/data.js'), 'w') as oFile:

    url = '%s?&cz=200&order=xzyi&frame_time=%f&scale=%f'%(base_url, frame_time, scale)
    iframe = '<iframe frameborder="0" src=' + url + ' width="100%" height=500></iframe>'
    link = '<a href=%s target="_blank">New Window</a>'%url
    return IPython.display.HTML(iframe+link)

Thanks for your help!

I've solved the problem.😅 It works now.

But.. I'm wondering if I can change some parameters in javascript files?