
Using the library for React Native

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Working with a React Native app now, and previous suggestions have been to make use of this node library to create the token.

Running into 2 issues

  1. React Native can't do dynamic import but line 7 of apiResources.js has a require that is dynamic
  2. api.js requires bluebird and https which the React Native library can't handle too

Wanted to check if there are possible solutions for integrating Omise into a React Native app other than writing our own native modules, or using a webview with Omise.js

Hello @yishus

This repository is for Node, have you checked this document ?
It should help you implement omg on React Native

@yishus have you finally make omisejs working with react native yet?

@Antonhansel I search issue in omise-js and it suggest to use omise-node and here it is suggest to use omise-js