
Allow you to sent an Advent of Code (AoC) private leaderboard in a Microsoft Teams room via a Webhook connector.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Advent Of Code - Microsoft Teams Leaderboard

Publish your Advent of Code (AoC) private leaderboard to a Microsoft Teams room via a Webhook connector.

Teams message screenshot

Running locally

Clone this repository, install node modules using npm install then create a .env file at the root level with the following contents:

# Mandatory: Your leaderboard ID
# (available in the URL https://adventofcode.com/{year}/leaderboard/private/view/{leaderboard-id)

# Mandatory: Your session cookie (with access to the private leaderboard)

# Optional: The webhook URL used to the sent the leaderboard 
# (see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/webhooks-and-connectors/how-to/add-incoming-webhook)

# Optional: The year of the event to use
# (current year is used by default, but it's recommended to set, since the next year is near)

# Optional: The name of your leaderboard

# Optional: Order of the leaderboard (default is sorted by star count)
# Available value: stars | local-score | global-score

# Optional: If provided, display the leaderboard code with a link to AoC

# Optional: Display a column with the AoC global score

# Optional: Display a column with the leaderboard local score

# Optional: If provided, display a link to the repositories
# (useful if everyone share their code at the same place)

# Optional: If provided, change the limit of how many players are included on the leaderboard
# (10 is the default. Teams rejects messages over 28 KB which can easily be hit with 15 players)

Then, run npm start to retrieve and send your private leaderboard. Remember, as said on the AoC website:

Please don't make frequent automated requests to this service - avoid sending requests more often than once every 15 minutes (900 seconds).

Running using GitHub Actions

Instead of running locally, you can run this as a GitHub action

  1. Fork this repository
  2. In your GitHub repository settings, create each of the desired settings as GitHub Secrets. Make sure to provide all required settings.

GitHub repository secrets screenshot

By default the action is configured to run once a day at 4am only during the month of December. You can modify this schedule by editing the cron schedule in .github/workflows/send-notice-to-teams.yml

Remember, as said on the AoC website:

Please don't make frequent automated requests to this service - avoid sending requests more often than once every 15 minutes (900 seconds).

You can also manually trigger the action from your repository's Actions tab.