
Feature Request: article need an option to be replaced other than appended

saccohuo opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, the article is appended with each sync, leading to duplicate content on my article page.
Could you add an option to replace the content with each sync instead of appending it? Many thanks.

My settings are as follows:

  1. Using orgmode.
  2. "Sync highlights to a separate page."
  3. Page name: "{{{title}}} (Omnivore highlights)"
  4. Article template:
#+AUTHOR: {{{author}}}
#+LINK: [{{#siteName}}[{{{siteName}}}]{{/siteName}}[{{{originalUrl}}}]]
#+TAGS: {{#labels}}{{{name}}}, {{/labels}}

#+DATE: {{{dateSaved}}}
#+PUBLISHED: {{{datePublished}}}