HUD not aligned properly
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Had this problem since the Halloween update. Older versions of this hud seem to be worse than the newest one, however this is what the newest one looks like. Running on 1920x1080 if that helps.
Seems to be a problem with how the font is being rendered by TF2. What operating system is this on?
windows 7 professional
Unfortunately, it's not a problem with the HUD, but rather with TF2, so it's not an easy fix.
If you take a look at issue #24, you can see that the opposite affected all Mac users (the fonts were shifted up). My comment in there should explain the only two ways I can think of to fix this, neither of which are simple.
Reinstalling the fonts has fixed the issue :S oh well at least it's fixed.
That's nice.
TF2 has always been a bit finicky with fonts, especially Futura. Not installing the fonts (and letting TF2 load them from the HUD directory) has always been the most reliable, but it seems to require installing for some people. In any case, I'm glad to hear it's fixed. :)