
Add instructions on installing the required Ruby version to the Readme.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Let them know to use RVM, rbenv, chruby, etc.

How's this sound? I think these ways of setting the version will work but I haven't tested them (I'm on Windows):


Setting the Ruby Version

Ensure that you have Ruby 2.7.1 installed.

Navigate to drugbank-sample-apps/ruby.

If you are using rbenv, Ruby 2.7.1 will be used automatically due to the .ruby-version file.

If you are using RVM, use the command

rvm use 2.7.1

If you are using chruby, use the command

chruby ruby-2.7.1

or if you have auto-switching enabled, the correct version will be used from the .ruby-version file.

Running the app

First, ensure that Bundler is installed.

Install the necessary gems by using the command

bundle install

The app is then run with the command

bundle exec ruby app.rb

Visit the default address with the port given in the console to view the app.

This sounds great! I guess with the docker config it becomes less necessary, but I still think it's good to have it.