
Not getting unlisted pages via template

abroess opened this issue · 1 comments

I try to get the xmlsitemap running to cover 100 unlisted pages (News Items), but the only way to get them into the sitemap is, when I list them in 'includeUnlistedWhenSlugIs'. My attempt to get them via the template name does not work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/sitemap.xsl"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<!--                 disableImages = "1" -->
<!--     includeUnlistedWhenSlugIs = null -->
<!-- includeUnlistedWhenTemplateIs = ["news"] -->
<!-- excludeChildrenWhenTemplateIs = null -->
<!--     excludePageWhenTemplateIs = null -->
<!--         excludePageWhenSlugIs = null -->
<!--                x-shimHomepage = "" -->
<!-- Processing as SL -->
<!-- crunching aktuelles/neuigkeiten [it=neuigkeiten] [s=listed] [d=2] -->
<!-- (  ) "Neuigkeiten" -->
<!-- crunching aktuelles/neuigkeiten/20090911 [it=news] [s=unlisted] [d=3] -->
<!-- (  ) "Neuer Anstrich für die Schule" -->
<!-- excluding because unlisted -->
<!-- crunching aktuelles/neuigkeiten/20091006 [it=news] [s=unlisted] [d=3] -->
<!-- (  ) "Umzug in die Container" -->
<!-- excluding because unlisted -->
<!-- crunching aktuelles/neuigkeiten/20091008 [it=news] [s=unlisted] [d=3] -->
<!-- (  ) "2. Platz bei der Waldrallye des WPZ" -->
<!-- excluding because unlisted -->
omz13 commented

Sorry about that; it is a bug. Fix coming soon.