
Remove example components and add project outline

on3iro opened this issue · 0 comments

Basic page-flow (for MVP)

Landing page

  • Some info regardin the app
  • Login/Register

MyCollection (when logged in)

  • list of games
  • filter/search
  • add game button

Detail view board game

  • game details, image etc
  • list of achievement sets
  • (add set) - this goes beyond the capabilities of our mvp as we will only have private sets
  • create set

Detail view of a set

  • list of all contained achievements
  • unlock achievement

Detail view of an achievement

  • unlock achievement
  • show achievement details

Some things to keep in mind

  • it should be possible to add/remove achievements from a private set without any problem
  • when we later add public sets these can only be modified by their creator. a user can however create a personal clone/fork/whatever of an achievement set and manipulate it however he wants