
Switch to typescript

on3iro opened this issue · 5 comments

I really like flow, but there are still some painpoints with it and the typescript ecosystem seems to be much more mature. Furthermore i'd like to learn typescript.

Their syntax does not seem too different so it should be rather easy to learn. @jannydiamond @pailipaili any objections?

The tricky part with integrating typescript might be the whole ts vs babel-thing, although babel should at least be partially compatible with TS already.

Sounds good to me. I would also like to learn typescript. @on3iro

I want to learn it too, so I'm also totally fine with switching to typescript. @on3iro

In order to evaluate the use of Typescript, a first step might be a rewrite of the work done so far. If the effort is minimal enough and looks promising, nothing should stand against switching to Typescript. @pailipaili @on3iro @jannydiamond

@sarathas the amount of code to rewrite is close to none. We would have to switch some of our tooling, though.

@on3iro Did you already start with this task or can I give it a try?