L.leafletGeotiff does not exists on type
Closed this issue · 2 comments
martinhschei commented
I'm getting an error on this line: "L.leafletGeotiff(URL, options).addTo(this.map);".
The error says "L.leafletGeotiff does not exists on type...."
This has probably something to do with the import - i'm doing it like this:
import GeoTIFF, { fromUrl, fromUrls, fromArrayBuffer, fromBlob } from 'geotiff';
import * as L from 'leaflet';
import 'leaflet-geotiff-2';
danwild commented
Seems like a typescript issue (this lib has no typings)?
What else is in the trace?
This issue tracker is for reporting specific issues with the plugin tho, for general javascript/project configuration questions you'll probably be better of asking on stackoverflow
martinhschei commented
Solved - not a bug with this package.