
JOSS issue

drcandacemakedamoore opened this issue · 4 comments

I ran through some examples, and I'm basically close to happy with the package now, but before signing off the most critical thing to me is actually not about the computing but the documentation. I may have missed it, but you need either to explicitly point to the IBSI reference value sheet so people can match up the variable names to your outputs or a clear easy to find table with what all your 192 outputs mean. In some cases it is obvious ie. someone without the IBSI sheet in hand will assume stat_kurt refers to kurtosis and stat_mean refers to a mean pixel or voxel value. In other cases ivh_v25 or ngl_gl_var_d1_a0.0_2d_fbn_n16, they will have no idea what this means . I actually would prefer you put a table in, because hyperlinks can go bad.

That's actually a really good point. I will start working on a table for features and filters and show what feature names mean.

Reopened for JOSS review.

Looks good to me!