
Release version 2.2.4

alexzwanenburg opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Update version
    • mirp\pyproject.toml
    • mirp\docs_source\source\conf.py
    • mirp\conda\meta.yaml (if build for conda)
  • Check that all unit tests successfully pass.
    • Run python -m pytest test
  • Update NEWS.md.
  • Update README.md if required.
  • Check long-form documentation locally.
    • Open a terminal.
    • Navigate to mirp\docs_source.
    • Run make script: .\make html
    • Check locally build html pages for obvious errors.
  • Copy updated documentation to mirp\docs.
    • Empty the docs directory, except for .nojekyll. This prevents documentation files from being processed again by GitHub
    • Copy the contents of mirp\docs_source\build\html into mirp\docs. index.html should be in the root of the docs folder, as GitHub will use this as the landing page.
  • Package for PyPI
    • Open a terminal.
    • Navigate to mirp root directory.
    • Build package: python -m build.
    • Check package content in mirp\dist\*.tar.gz.
    • Upload package to testPyPI:
      • Run python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist\*
      • username: __token__
      • password: testpypi API token
    • Check package on testPyPI:
      • Check landing page for obvious errors.
      • Create virtual environment or temporary conda environment
      • Install mirp: pip install mirp --index-url https://test.pypi.org/mirp/ --no-deps
    • Upload package to PyPI:
      • Run python -m twine upload dist\*
      • username: __token__
      • password: pypi API token
  • Merge with main branch.
  • Create release.
    • Copy NEWS.md.
    • Attach package and wheel files from mirp\dist as binary files.