
(Re)learning C++ at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

♠️ Description

This repository contains all programs developed in C++ while studying computer science at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

🚀 Running

To run any program, use g++ to compile them through the own folder:

g++ <filename>.cpp <implementation>.cpp -o ./main.out && ./main.out

Change <filename> and <implementation> by the desired program and implementations (if exists).

Example inside the fundamentals/introduction folder: g++ helloWorld.cpp -o ./main.out && ./main.out

You can generate main.out with another extension like .exe, so use the one that works on your OS.

🌑 Fundamentals

The folder fundamentals contains all programs developed in the first module of the course, such as: introduction, memory, Abstract Data Types and Standard Template Library.


The folder introduction contains basic programs to learn and pratice C++ syntax.


The folder memory contains programs to learn about pointers and dynamic memory.

ADTs - Abstract Data Types

The folder abstractDataTypes contains programs to learn about adts, structs and good practices when developing definitions and implementations.

STL - Standard Template Library

The folder standardTemplateLibrary contains programs to learn about STL, the main C++ library to work with containers, iterators and algorithms.

🌒 POO Basic

The folder poo_basic contains all programs developed in the third module of the course, such as: attributes, methods, encapsulation, inheritance and polimorfism.

🌓 POO Advanced

The folder poo_advanced contains all programs developed in the fourth module of the course, such as: overflow, polimorfism, polygons and ring arrays.

🌔 Correct Programs

The folder correct_programs contains all programs developed in the fiveth module of the course.

🌕 Almost 100 in this subject!

Organized with Commitizen

Made with ☕ and C++