
[RFE] create a non-distroless container for advanced debug

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Is it linked to a user story? (use the "#" to tag the user story)

What do we want to build?
Current code base built on a Ubuntu container for debugging

Why do we want to build it?
Current package is built on distroless container base image which
doesn't content any tooling for live debugging (like shell approach)

How do we want to design it?

  • Elect either RH UBI as a container base image
  • Elect either Ubuntu as a container base image
  • Create a debug Dockerfile for building on the elected container base image
  • Include the build within GitHub action

Is it linked to a user story? No

What do we want to build?
A non production-grade container image for debugging purposes only

I build two images using ubi-minimal:latest and ubuntu:20.04 (LTS) and pushed them within Ondat Package registry: https://github.com/orgs/ondat/packages
These are currently not published and need to be tested.

One remark - At the current stage, if the health check (KMS connectivity check) is not successful, the process is terminated. This leads to a rescheduling of a fresh Pod from a k8s perspective per the DaemonSet requirements.
Therefore, this debug container should have a code change to void the termination of kubernetes-kms-vault to rather move towards infinite retry providing debbuging time.
At the current stage, if the health check (KMS connectivity check) is not successful, the process is terminated. This leads to a rescheduling of a fresh Pod from a k8s perspective per the DaemonSet requirements.