
Game doesn't allow me to place a tile next to an open lake edge

nightpool opened this issue · 6 comments

I think I should be able to play the highlighted tile in the square I marked?


(I mean, i don't think it's a good idea, but it seems like it should be possible?

Hmm, good question. My current opinion is that such placement is not allowed, but perhaps the Lake rulebook states otherwise?

bcsak commented

I think that kind of drawing is not possible.
You can find the following in the Rulebook/Drawing Routes section:

  • You can’t draw Routes in a way that directly connects Railways to Highways or vice versa (you need a Station to do that).

You have to take account of the Lake tiles as the other connections as well. So, a "Station" is necessary.

no, there is no reason to assume that by that rule, the designers also meant to forbid placing an open lake face adjacent to a railroad. That rule specifically says that it only applies to Railroads and Highways, there's nothing in the rules that applies that to a lake.

See this thread: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2439612/question-about-lakes

The publisher appears to confirm @nightpool‘s interpretation.

The publisher appears to confirm @nightpool‘s interpretation.

...making this issue a valid bugreport!