
Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


  • USVSimulator_WAMV16.m

    • Plots whole trajectory of the USV.
    • Uses the WAM-V 16 from the Seoul National Univerity.
  • PathFollowingControl.m

    • Plots sequential position of the vessel.

    • Controls the heading angle with P contorller

    • The variables you can adjust are

      - The limit of the thrust
        line 6 thrustLimit    
      - Inital position of the vessel
        line 10 xEarth       
        line 11 yEarth 
        line 12 psi 
      - Initial velocity of the vessel
        line 15 uBody
        line 16 vBody
        line 17 r
      - Waypoints represented as 
        [[x of first waypoint, y of first waypoint];
        [x of second waypoint, y of second waypoint];
        [x of third waypoint, y of third waypoint];
        line 29 waypoint
      - Time interval for simulation 
        line 34 dt
      - Reaching criterion to the waypoints
        line 35 reach
      - P gain for the P controller
        This value means how much strong you intend to control the actuator
        line 69 pGain
  • Videos of my work