
Project assignment of Getting and Cleaning Data in R

Primary LanguageR

Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project


This will download the corpus and extract it in directory named UCI HAR Dataset, if corpus in Not already downloaded.

Download data using:



This is main R script that cleans the corpus data.

Task performed:

  • Merge train and test data.
  • Extract data for mean and standard deviation of each measurement.
  • Provides appropriate descriptive names to each activity.
  • Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

How to use run_analysis.R

Make sure corpus data is downloaded and is in directory UCI HAR Dataset, which is in current working directory.

Now execute this:


After the completion of execution two new files will be created:

  • tidy_data.txt It contains clean data in raw format.
  • tidy_data.csv It contains clean data in csv format.