
Feature request: close after inactivity timer

Kriechi opened this issue · 2 comments

I frequently close the last document window of an app, just to then open another file via the menu bar or a built-in file browser. This causes the app to be closed too soon, before the app had time to open the new document because there is a few seconds of load time involved.

I would like to have a configurable inactivity timer, e.g., "30 sec of no open documents" before an app gets terminated.

To rephrase, you'd want the feature added in #9 but with a configurable, instead of 2 second, duration?

Yes please. Configurable or something significantly higher (30sec? 60sec?).

Alternative idea: check if app still has focus / is in foreground, i.e., if the main macOS menu bar is still showing that app then don't yet terminate it.