
ExitUntilCollapsed causing wierd padding on bottom

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have 2 composable screens with CollapsingToolbarScaffold. When you enter 1st screen the padding on the bottom is like it should be 0.dp, but when you go from 1st to 2nd screen, it seems that the ScrollStrategy.ExitUntilCollapsed on the second screen adds some padding around 56.dp on the bottom. If I use any other scroll strategy the problem is gone. Both screens use ScrollStrategy.ExitUntilCollapsed.

Update 1 (Workaround):

If you add

    Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {

Outside of CollapsingToolbarScaffold, the padding is now gone and it is drawn through the whole screen.

Update 2: Real solution

Don't forget to add a modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), else the scaffold isn't expanded to fill the screen, even though you have enough items.

Are you using Compose Navigation for the screen navigation?

I'm using Compose Destinations. I think it was my bad, because I forgot fillMaxSize, and not your libraries fault.

Thank you for clarifying, I'll close the issue! 😃