
rememberCollapsingToolbarScaffoldState changes when is not scrolled

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Added the option to remember the progress, sometimes scrolling the app stays in "moving state" recomposing the content

 val state = rememberCollapsingToolbarScaffoldState()
                    val progress = state.toolbarState.progress
                    val topHeight = (54 * progress).dp

                    Timber.v("toolbar progress $progress  topPadding:$topHeight ")
                        toolbar = {
                            val defaultFontSize = 54
                            val smallFontSize = 20
                            val textSize =
                                (smallFontSize + (defaultFontSize - smallFontSize) * state.toolbarState.progress).sp
                                modifier = Modifier
                            TransactionHeader(balance = "325,57 €", {}, {}, {}, {},
                                balanceTextSize = textSize,
                                topBarAlpha = progress,
                                topHeight = topHeight


                        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                        scrollStrategy = ScrollStrategy.ExitUntilCollapsed,
                        state = state
                    ) {


the progress keep updating even when the screen is not touched.
sometimes happens after doing overscroll or just playing around, and this issue happens, any suggestions? Thanks

Try placing fake composable to fix the maximum height of the toolbar. The cause is that the height of the maximum height is changing, thus progress which is derived from the value changes inconsistently.