
Replace MetalLB with Calico BGP peering

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I couldn't say it any better then @bjw-s


oneofus, oneofus

bjw-s commented

All done... Join us on the dark side, we have cookies!

Step one in getting BGP working with metallb is done. Next step installing calico!

@bjw-s got the good cookies where he's from. I'd take him up on the offer.

I demand cookies, this is all done.

Thanks for all your help guys!

kifeo commented

Thanks, do you have also egress traffic source natted (not using the node IP ?)

Hi @kifeo I have my router pointing to a my nginx-ingress externalIP on port 80 and 443

Does that answer your question?

kifeo commented

Thanks @onedr0p
I think what I was looking for is
I will try it in the next days

@kifeo can you explain a bit more what that does? I am not following the documentation lol

kifeo commented

@onedr0p Sorry for the late reply, I reverted to MetalLB as Calico was peered but not advertising the ExternalIPs, so I did not check the implementation of IPPools, which is maybe was I was looking for.