
Choosing features to display on the dashboard / monthly tasks

burninglaundry opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. I found with other habit-tracking tools that it was ideal to visualize all the lists (To-Do, habits, goals) in a single screen, rather than have to scroll. A quicker, temporary fix to this would be to have the option to rearrange the order in which these tools appear on the dashboard (habits at the top, etc.)
  2. Settings to turn off and hide features not being used (for me, the journal, which has the annoying pop-up to put in an entry); I imagine I am not alone in using multiple apps / methods to track my life, and would prefer to only use parts of Flow-Dashboard.
  3. Functionality for monthly tasks! Right now, I just have it set to 0 per week.

I've done a lot of looking around and this is the tool I chose - great, and would be even better with these changes :)

These are great ideas, thanks for the issue.