
Package for nixpkgs?

dit7ya opened this issue · 8 comments

I was about to try packaging this for nixpkgs but then noticed the flake.nix in this repo. Thought it would be better to ask you first.

vlaci commented

I've been wanting to do the same, however the current packaging relies on poetry2nix which afaik shouldn't be used in nixpkgs packages if at all possible. I have a draft branch somewhere which tries to get rid of poetry2nix and packages all dependencies 1 by one natively, however I got stuck with python-hyperscan, as it is a huge pain in the butt to build. If you are interested in working on it, I can clean-up my existing branch and push it up.

The roadmap upstream for me woud be something along the lines of:

  • have a working flake.nix without poetry2nix containing all the required packages #516
  • Discuss with nixpkgs's sasquatch maintainer if we could transition that package to our fork
  • open PR's in nixpkgs for the missing dependencies (pyperscan and 3rd parties)
  • have some kind of tagged release of Unblob (eventually we want to do that anyway)
  • open a PR for Unblob itself

@vlaci what's the status on this now that we have merged #516 ? Are we ready to open a PR for an unblob Nix package ?

vlaci commented

@vlaci what's the status on this now that we have merged #516 ? Are we ready to open a PR for an unblob Nix package ?

Updated the above todo list. Next step I see is resolving sasquatch.

vlaci commented

Opened a meta-issue in nixpkgs: NixOS/nixpkgs#217836