
Please release 1.5 to PyPi

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Please release version 1.5 to PyPi. The latest on PyPi is 1.4.5


1.5 isn't ready yet, that why was not officially published at pypi

As you can see on #20 and #22 there was some work to improve the way the project was packaged, but I found some issues, so I'm still waiting a reply from @kylecrawshaw to clarify.

I suggest not-ready releases should be tagged differently from ready ones. Typically one would use a different pattern, or not tag as a release at all to avoid confusion such as this.

I accidentally published the tag 1.5.0 here.
1.4.5 is the latest.
1.5.0 will carry a restructure of files.

Sorry for the confusion.

Now that #22 has been merged I assume there should be a release of 1.5 coming soon?

I think you can close this.