
Homebrew install formula

bobbytables opened this issue · 5 comments


What documentation do you expect? OS dependencies?

It was a little jarring to have to use python and the python world to use this tool. As someone that isn't that familiar with Python it was confusing to me to have to use virtualenv. For Python engineers I'm sure this is a no brainer but as a person that just wants to use the tool, having to go into the directory, source virtualenv, and then run the script again (since these expire every hour), isn't very convenient.

I think this tool is great but getting to the point of actually using it is potentially holding back users from even trying, I'm speaking from experience.

Ok, I will add some reference about how deploy a python project using virtualenv.

P.S The "1 hour expiration" restriction was removed by AWS months ago. I will mention that in the documentation too.

@bobbytables clisso does the same, is cross platform and has brew support. You might want to check it out.

Disclaimer: I work at allcloud.

Here is an example of awsume which is a similar application also based on python to help

It handles all the virtualenv work for you to make it easier for non developers to use.